Thursday, October 30, 2008

DSO Garbage Collection: YoungGen

There are certain apps when clustered using Terracotta that generates short-lived DSO objects and lots of them. Which results in a lot of DSO garbage!

Taking the existing DSO garbage collector and running it more often will collect these short-lived objects, but the MARK stage could take a long time. For example, you'll have a Terracotta server array that has DSO objects on the server's cache as well as DSO objects faulted to disk. When the DSO garbage collector runs, it will fault in objects from the disk during the MARK stage. This may take awhile to run.

The DSO objects that are short-lived are probably in the server's cache. This is where YoungGen comes in. It's the same algorithm, except for the set of objects we are considering as GC Candidates. Instead of considering all the objects in the system and removing objects that are unreachable. We only consider the objects on the server's cache and remove objects that we can definitely determine as garbage.

DSO objects that cannot be collected in YoungGen is the following:

1. Roots
2. DSO Objects that in the server's cache that is being references by DSO Objects faulted to disk. This is marked in a subset called RememberMe set
3. Objects that are in the cache, but never been flushed to disk (i.e. really new objects).

enable the following properties and see if YoungGen DSO Garbage Collection works for you:

l2.objectmanager.dgc.young.enabled = true
l2.objectmanager.dgc.young.frequencyInMillis = 180000

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