Sunday, June 28, 2009

Performance Tuning Hibernate Second-level Cache

Lately I've been spending ALOT of time performance testing and tuning of a hibernate app using a Terracotta implementation of Hibernate Second-level Cache. I thought it would be interesting to do a series of posts that walk through different use-cases and how we performance tuned them. While doing so, I thought it would also interesting to demonstrate various tools that can help with the tuning.

Before we continue, I think it is worth while to read my colleagues posts on performance testing here, here, and here. Their advice seems simple enough. But trust me, it's really easy to fall off the wagon when it comes to this stuff. The work itself is very tedious, so it's easy to convince yourself that "Yeah, this patch is it, this is the final run", or "I know the bottleneck is the CPU for sure! Why bother looking at the memory and/or disk characteristics." Assumptions and unfounded optimism can easily get you rat-holed to a dead end. Bottom line: don't assume anything and collect everything.

The project that we are going to look at is a simple hibernate app. The app itself just warms up the 2nd-level cache and then accesses the cache, and depending on the use case writes, in a non-partitioned fashion in the following modes: read-only, read-mostly and read-write.

the various tools I used to tune is:
- nmon a basic tool to look at cpu, memory, disk and network metrics.
- jmap,jhat,jstat to analyze heap and garbage collector metrics, these tools are included in the jdk.
- VisualVM, very cool tool to look at JMX Beans, nmon type characteristics as well as a light-weight thread monitoring tool.
- Terracotta Dev Console, great tool for looking at terracotta specific characteristics as well as general info (cpu, memory etc.)
- Good old fashion thread dumps (kill -3 java_pid)

Ok, so that's our test and tools. More of the nitty-gritty to come :)

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